
Stroke hemps from high blood pressure, cardiac disease one of the causes, and comes in many forms with diverse outcome. Disabilities vary, depending on the size and location of the stroke. Life is never the same due to the emotional and physical challenges ahead....

High Cholesterol

Cholesterol – is a soft waxy substance in human cells, blood and food. Dietary cholesterol is found in animal based food, such as meat and dairy products. Plant based food such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains do not have the waxy substance. “Good” and “bad”...

High Blood Pressure

When blood pressure rises – Blood pressure is the force of blood in the inner walls of our arteries. However, we are unable to feel or see the changes in the blood pressure. Blood pressure is done with a thick cuff wraps around our upper arm, inflates the cuff...

Health Screening

Health Screening In all health issues, taking responsibility for one’s health is the first step in preventing and combating illnesses. Responsible for your health means treating your body with respect and understanding how well the body is functioning. Health...