Stroke hemps from high blood pressure, cardiac disease one of the causes, and comes in many forms with diverse outcome. Disabilities vary, depending on the size and location of the stroke. Life is never the same due to the emotional and physical challenges ahead.

Months and years of rehabilitation ensues, a degree of paralysis brings consequent disabilities and dependence on wheel chair, on care giver, swallowing problems, slurring of speech and facial disfigurement. Any progress and success is very much dependent on the determination and will power of the stroke survivor.

F.A.S.T – Signs of stroke

FACE – Ask the person to smile. Does one side of the face droop?

ARM – Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downwards?

SPEECH – Ask the person to say a simple sentence (e.g “Good morning”) Are the words slurred?

TIME – If the person shows any symptoms, time is important. Call for ambulance.


Hemorrhagic stroke – Bleeding, technically known as haemorrhaging, is the loss of blood or blood escapes from the circulatory system. Bleeding can occur internally, inside the body or externally.

Ischemic stroke – It occurs when an artery to the brain is blocked. The brain depends on its arteries to bring fresh blood from the heart and lungs, as it carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain and carbon dioxide as well as cellular waste are taken away.

Effects of stroke

  • Communication and speech
  • Emotional feelings
  • Functional loss of body parts
  • Longer time needed
  • Mobility restrictions
  • Physical and cognitive skills
  • Swallowing problem

Prevention of Stroke

  • Avoid alcohol and smoking
  • Balance diet of cereals, nutritious food, fruits and vegetables
  • Control high blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes
  • Exercise regularly
  • Healthy weight management

Medication and Supplements

  • Warfarin – It is an anticoagulant, effective and safe for preventing thrombosis and embolism (abnormal formation and migration of blood clots) in many disorders.
    Note: Medication does affect the mental and physical energy.
  • Vitamins B particularly folic acid, B6 and B12 reduces amino acid, another risk factor for heart disease.
  • Omega – Fish oil contains essential fatty acids EPA, DHA and Oleric acid helpful in lowering bad n increasing the good cholesterol.
    Exciting discoveries, blood pressure and sodium do concern other minerals, such as calcium, magnesium and potassium. It magnifies the blood pressure benefits.

Early intervention is extremely valuable. During rehab understanding, support and patience of family members, caregivers, therapists and all those involved in their journey to mobility.

Emphasis needs to be on treating the patients as individuals, taking age and personal factors into account. Positive attitude of friends and family boost the survivor’s well being, just being there with them, assisting minimally to avoid the helplessness in them.

Extreme emotions, fears and anxiety, these ’invisible side of stroke’ share and talk with people who have suffered. Learn from others their pains and success.

Goals to recovery
Help oneself in any way one can is the best way to move forward. Minimise frustration n resentment of dependence, by accepting help when it is needed. Each task becomes a little easier, self-esteem and optimism will rise.

Progress comes with perseverance.

Achieve a gradual return to independent living, re-integration into family, employment and social life.