Blood pressure is the force of blood in the inner walls of our arteries. However, we are unable to feel or see the changes in the blood pressure.
Blood pressure is done with a thick cuff wraps around our upper arm, inflates the cuff until it’s uncomfortable, carefully monitors a dial, gauge or digital display, hearing a ‘hissing’ as it deflates. Anxiety lies within us. Spontaneously, “Well, how’s my blood pressure”
Numbers do matter –
Numbers are an indicator of our blood pressure. Most unaware what the ideal blood pressure should be. It’s only after our blood test the numbers means something, as it triggers our alertness, anxiety and awareness of our health state.
Blood Pressure Chart
Blood Pressure Systolic BP Diastolic BP
Normal < 120 < 80
Prehypertension 120 – 139 80 – 89
Hypertension 140 or higher 90 or higher
Blood Pressure is always expressed as two numbers. Written down, separated by a slash, like 120/80 or 140/90.
The first or top number is always the higher of the two, known as systolic blood pressure force of blood in your arteries during a heartbeat.
The second or bottom number, always lower of the two, is diastolic blood pressure force of blood against the artery walls between heartbeats.
Both numbers are important, elevated number reflect pre-hypertension or hypertension.
As we age into our 50s, our artery walls stiffen and plague buildup, known as atherosclerosis.
This results in systolic pressure, which is harder to control than that diastolic pressure, a potent risk factor for heart diseases.
Those under 40s, being younger their high blood pressure is more of diastolic pressure. If left unchecked, risk heart problem, develop into systolic pressure, in the long run.
High blood pressure is the chief risk factors for heart disease (number one killer) and stroke (number three but one for disabilities).
“Silent Killer”
High blood pressure the ‘silent killer’ no warning signs or symptoms, unaware the danger lurking within us, harming our organs leading to complications such as dementia, loss of vision and even kidney failure.
“Ideal Diet” Consume a variety of foods, fruits, grains and vegetables. Food prepared from scratch are better than processed. Reduce salt (sodium) intake, as salt raises blood pressure by increasing fluid level in the blood. Less salt equates less sodium – lowers blood pressure. Use salt and spices moderately to enhance the taste of food. Caution is required when purchasing packaged and preprocessed and fast foods.
Exercise regularly as part of the daily activities. Start the day with exercise, as the day’s demand can disrupt. Alternatively, fix the time that suits you best, feels comfortable, within one’s abilities and without much cost.
Plain water is the best, as it helps carry blood cells around the body, keeping nutrients in solution as it is being absorbed by body tissues and organs. Go moderately on beverages such as tea, coffee and alcohol.
Nutrients and Supplements
Eat a wide variety of foods that provide key nutrients, Arginine Calcium Vitamin D, Magnesium, and Potassium
Track your blood pressure
Health is wealth – know your number, keep tab and monitor it, the best chart that reflects yr health and wealth. Seeing the numbers lowered, health progresses, motivates and encourage oneself to maintain our well being.
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